Owning rental properties is essentially a business, and therefore, maintaining good relationships is key to the success of that business. As Massachusetts property managers, we understand the unique challenges of landlord-tenant relationships. Through years of first hand experience, here’s what we can offer for tips on maintaining good tenant relationships.
Make a Good First Impression
First impressions can come from many different sources. It could be an ad in a newspaper, a website visit, phone call, or email. Consider the message that you are conveying with each of these. Make sure that you come across as friendly and professional.
Be Professional
Speaking of professionalism, your interactions with tenants should always be just that. Avoid being too casual or too personal. Remember that no matter how many years you may know a tenant, your relationship remains a business one. Additionally, should any disputes arise, avoid personal insults or emotional outbursts. Both positive and negative interactions should remain professional in every respect.
Be Responsiveness & Communicate Openly
One of the most common complaints from tenants relates to responsiveness. Tenants get frustrated when they don’t have the information they need, receive wrong information, or do not receive a timely response. Whether good or bad, any news is better than no news. Additionally, it’s better to under-promise and over-deliver, than vice versa. Communicating openly and promptly with your tenants will earn their respect.
Be Fair & Flexible
It can be a balancing act when dealing with tenant requests and issues. You certainly don’t want to give into every little request as it can foster demanding future tenant behavior. However, you don’t want to be overly rigid either, as tenants start to develop negative emotions towards you. The key is to find a comfortable middle ground that appears fair and flexible. Furthermore, be sure to treat all tenants with the same level of fairness and flexibility.
More on Maintaining Good Tenant Relationships
Maintaining good tenant relationships takes time and energy. Sometimes you simply can’t give your tenants the attention and care that they deserve, although it may not be for lack of trying. This is one of the many reasons to hire Massachusetts property managers like us. It’s our job to foster those relationships for you and to provide a variety of other services that improve your bottom line. Contact us today to discuss how we can help your rental property business.